Monday, September 17, 2012

Goals I Can't Keep

I just looked at my blog and remembered that I said I was going to run every morning for ten straight days. Well, as you've probably guessed by the title of this post, that has been discontinued. I stopped after the second morning because my shins were hurting so bad that I couldn't run for more than 30 seconds at a time. I hate this fact about my body. My shins are so weak and they just ache! All the time! And it's the worst because I actually have the desire to run. For the first time in my life, I would like to become more of a runner. But my body won't let me.

What I'm trying to say is that I would like, for once in my life, to make some goals that I will be able to accomplish. I don't have a problem making goals; I always have loads of motivation at the start. But it always, always goes away or I make the goals too grand and impossible to reach and so I seldom ever FINISH anything! asedfghjkluyutfrdersdfxgcfhgvjbk. I'm so frustrated.

It's okay guys. Today has been rough. But things will get better. In the meantime, here are some goals for now until October 1st (I'm just gonna keep this short for now in hopes that I will stick it out to the end):

1. Write down 5 things I am grateful for every day.
2. Finish all weekend homework on Saturday so I don't have to wake up early on Monday morning to do it
3. Leave for class 5 minutes earlier than I should. I don't want to be late anymore.

Annnnd that's it, folks. Like I said, keepin' it simple. I feel a bit like I'm spread too thin, so it's time to backtrack and take smaller steps. I'll survive this semester if I take it one thing at a time...

This song makes me feel at peace. Give it a listen :)


  1. Simpler is always better. :) WE SHALL PREVAIL! One way or another....

  2. Well, I know you've done at least the first one on the list. Go, you!
